DOCTOR OF THE DEAD Episode 94: Z Nation S04E03, Plus 28 Days Later and Let Sleeping Corpses Lie

Arnold and Natalie contemplate “The Vanishing” on the latest Z NATION. But as most of our team reunites to figure out where the other members of the camp disappeared to, there’s another threat to consider: A little something called “Mad Zs!” Meanwhile, the October zombiethon continues with a pair of movies that share a link or two, 28 DAYS LATER… (2002) and its predecessor, LET SLEEPING CORPSES LIE (1974, also known as THE LIVING DEAD AT THE MANCHESTER MORGUE and DON’T OPEN THE WINDOW). Rage against the apocalypse in the latest packed episode of the DOCTOR OF THE DEAD podcast!

Show Music: “Rage” (feat. Vosmoy) by Still Pluto.

Write to the Doctor at! On Twitter, find the Doctor at @DoctoroftheDead and Natalie at @nblitofsky!

DOCTOR OF THE DEAD Episode 93: Z Nation S04E02, Plus Zombieland and Cooties

Arnold and Natalie “Escape From Zona” along with Warren and Murphy on the latest Z NATION…but do they really want to? And as we all settle into October – the best month of the year – it’s time to revisit some modern zombie movies: ZOMBIELAND (2009) and COOTIES (2014)! Time to nut up or shut up on the latest packed episode of the DOCTOR OF THE DEAD podcast!

Show Music: “Rage” (feat. Vosmoy) by Still Pluto.

Write to the Doctor at! On Twitter, find the Doctor at @DoctoroftheDead and Natalie at @nblitofsky!

DOCTOR OF THE DEAD Episode 92: Z Nation Season 4 Premiere S04E01

A new era begins – consider this “DOCTOR OF THE DEAD 2.0” – and right here on the 49th anniversary of the release of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD! Join Arnold, the Doctor of the Dead himself, along with new co-host and Accidental Hellraiser Scholar, Natalie B. Litofsky, as they briefly look back at the legacy of Father of the Modern Zombie, George A. Romero, and talk about the time-jumping Season 4 premiere of Z NATION, “Warren’s Dream!” Also: Whither Woodard? They’ll explain!

Show Music: “Rage” (feat. Vosmoy) by Still Pluto.

Write to the Doctor at! On Twitter, find the Doctor at @DoctoroftheDead and Natalie at @nblitofsky!